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Staying on your toes to spot SEO wins

At the end of last year we were able to deliver an exciting ‘quick win’ for one of our clients, giving them a boost in enquiries, and us an intense feeling of satisfaction!

Zoe Ball hits the headlines

Just before Christmas we spotted an article in the press about Zoe Ball receiving treatment for a TMD (Temporomandibular Disorder); a jaw condition causing pain and discomfort in the TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint).

Knowing that one of our clients, Melior Clinics, offers treatments for this condition, we realised that this was likely to lead to an increased number of Google searches relating to TMJ/TMD and, more specifically, Zoe Ball’s experience of it.

We jumped into action!

We realised that this was unlikely to be a news-worthy story for very long, so we needed to react quickly. We wrote an article the same day, mentioning Zoe Ball and then talking in more detail about the condition and our client’s treatment for it.

OK, so this was very much jumping on the bandwagon, but we were careful not to suggest any sort of link between our client and Zoe Ball, as we didn’t want to mislead readers.

The results

Within two weeks of publishing, the article had attracted 350 new visitors from Google searches (ie people who had never been to our client’s website before).

329 of these were from the UK, so potential new clients. And, in all likelihood, people who suffer from TMD, or know someone who does.

Most importantly, our client has received new enquiries for their TMD treatment as a direct result of the article.

What it was so successful

These visitors were the result of our article being second only to the BBC news article when you searched Google for “Zoe Ball TMJ”:

Google search results for “Zoe Ball TMJ”

And right at the top (thanks to a ‘featured snippet’ box) when you search for “Zoe Ball TMJ treatment”:

Google search results for “Zoe Ball TMJ treatment” showing a featured snippet

Of course, we weren’t the only people in this space writing about Zoe Ball’s experience. So why did our article succeed where others failed?

Because we’ve been working with this client for years to gradually build the content on their website, so that Google considers it an authority. These years of investment mean that, when opportunities like this present themselves, our client is already ahead of the game and can reap the rewards.

Get your business ahead of the game

We work on a retained basis with businesses who are ambitious to grow their online presence, getting their website into a position to make the most of opportunities big and small.

To find out more call us on 01892 800 410 or email